Hello I'm

Andi the Yogi

I’m a trainee yoga teacher based in Reading, UK.

I am currently running online chair yoga classes every Wednesday and Friday from 12:00 to 12:45. Chair yoga is for anyone who needs a whole-body stretch and an opportunity to relax and unwind – so whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned yogi, you’ll find something to enjoy in every session.

If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please email me at andi.the.yogi@gmail.com.

More information

All you need to join is a sturdy chair! (Alright, and a stable internet connection...) Whether it has a back or not, you will be able to find variations of all the taught poses – but please make sure that it doesn’t swivel (or can be reliably stopped from swivelling).

Other things to check before joining (there are reminders throughout each session) are that as you sit, your feet are in contact with the floor and your knees are at a straight (90 degree) angle bend. Choose the chair in relation to your height or use blocks under the feet, although bear in mind that for the latter option, the blocks will need moving for different postures.

Chair yoga may be gentle, but you will still be practicing a sport! So please make sure that you are fit and able to join, otherwise contact me for advice on modifications if you have any issues or concerns – I am more than happy to help.

The chair yoga poses are adapted from classical yoga asanas, so you are likely to find your favourites, although they may be gentler or more suited to being seated. That being said, we will be moving and toning all major muscle groups, keeping the joints mobile, working on maintaining good posture and incorporating pranayama (breathwork) to calm the mind and encourage the good functioning of the respiratory system. Yoga integrates all of these wonderful things – and so does its sister practice, chair yoga!


The sessions are currently free to join, which is my way of reaching out to anyone who might be feeling cooped up or in need of some movement and relaxation at the moment.

However, if you are enjoying them or find them helpful and would like to support my coffee addiction wellbeing, I have set up a Paypal account where you can make a pay-what-you-want contribution. A suggested amount would be £5 per week/two sessions.


Which virtual meeting service will we be using?

I am currently teaching via Skype, although you do not need an account to join. You can either log in to the desktop or mobile app if you wish or join as a guest through your internet browser. Chrome and Edge work best, Opera will as well if you are comfortable with changing some settings, but Firefox doesn’t like my class. That’s ok.

Why chair yoga?

My living room is fairly small, so whenever I join a mat-only class, all of my furniture needs rearranging. I don’t wish that on anyone, especially not twice a week, so just grab a seat. Also, very importantly, I was hooked on chair yoga from the very first try. It’s a great change of perspective on both yoga and on what sitting down can do!

Is chair yoga for me?



Yes. But you seem unsure so email me your questions.